Honor Guard Funeral Guidelines 

When a Knight passes away there are a few things that the Assembly, in coordination with the Council need to do:

  • Files the death with Supreme and Supreme sends a letter of condolence to the surviving family.
  • The Council adds the Knight to the Perpetual Memorial. James Peterson, the Perpetual Memorial Chairman, will mail the certificate to the address that was on the registration form.
  • The Council adopts and fills out the Resolution of Condolence, puts it in a KofC folder and either reads it after the homily and presents to the family or hands to the family after the funeral (whatever the family/father prefer).
  • The Assembly adopts and fills out the Resolution of Condolence, puts it in a KofC folder and either reads it after the homily and presents to the family or hands to the family after the funeral (whatever family/father prefer).

The Assembly should also download and reference the Honor Guard Funeral Guidelines and fill out the Honor Guard Request for Funeral form.