WHEN: Friday, April 25 – Sunday, April 27
WHERE: The Antlers - 4 S Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
AGENDA (subject to change): CLICK HERE
RESOLUTIONS: Forthcoming, will be posted soon
NECROLOGY: CLICK HERE (Councils - Please take the time to fill this out so that we may honor and remember Knights that have passed away over the passed year during our Memorial Mass)
ATTENDEE REGISTRATION: All attendees must register for the 2025 Colorado KofC Convention (CLICK HERE)
DELEGATE REGISTRATION: All delegates MUST REGISTER as an attendee and a delegate (two different registrations). CLICK HERE to register as a delegate for your council. The Council Grand Knight or Financial Secretary should register ALL delegates. Each delegate must stay in the hotel.
ROOMS are $149/night + tax (parking included). CLICK HERE TO MAKE A RESERVATION
VENDOR TABLES: Tables for this year's convention are a $100 donation to our State Charities for vendors selling a product and free for vendors providing information. Please register for a table by CLICKING HERE
HOSPITALITY ROOMS: If your Council, Assembly or District would like to host a hospitality room at the State Convention, please CLICK HERE to register
BANQUET will be held on Friday, April 25th following the Convention Opening Mass. Please plan to invite and host the clergy from your parishes to attend with you. (Requested dress: Suit and tie)
SUPREME CONVENTION DELEGATE NOMINATIONS If you are considering running to attend the Supreme Convention in August 2025 (in Washington DC) as a Colorado Delegate you must be able to pay for all upfront expenses (airfare, hotel, etc...) as you will receive a stipend check from Supreme the last day of the convention reimbursing you. You will also be expected to participate in the Colorado Hospitality Room as we will be marketing the 2026 Supreme Convention in Denver to everyone in attendance this year. Fill out the attached by CLICKING HERE
CONVENTION QUESTIONS can be sent to the Convention Committee at: kofc.convention.co@gmail.com