Ladies Auxiliary


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Our mission and goal as a Catholic family-oriented organization is to assist the Colorado Knights of Columbus councils in support of our bishops, priests and Catholic values.

The Colorado State Ladies Auxiliary (CSLA) was chartered on July 18, 1976. For the first two years of operation, the Auxiliary had a liaison to the Knights. Anna Mary McKinney served as the liaison in 1976. Claire Cavanaugh was the liaison person for the auxiliary in 1977. Our first president was Anna Mary McKinney who was elected in 1978. Our logo was created by Sylvia Garcia of Aurora Auxiliary #4079 who gifted the design to the Colorado State Ladies Auxiliary on February 1, 2010.

CHARITABLE:  by offering financial contributions on behalf of the Auxiliaries to worthy charities in Colorado. Recipient organizations are recommended by Auxiliary members to be our charitable causes.
SPIRITUAL:  by creating opportunities for spiritual growth. Day trips, retreats and other prayerful gatherings provide spiritual enhancement for the heart, mind and soul.
SOCIAL:  by providing our ladies opportunities for social enrichment. We share our time and talents with other auxiliary members and the Knights of Columbus extended family.

Colorado State Ladies Auxiliary is a 501c3 non-profit corporation.